Why another converter?
Because I would like to do it... especially to make my first app in MAC OS X.
The main reason was some people in photo services told me to build a tool to convert quickly their files from cameras from 72 DPI to other resolutions.
Main features:
NEW FEATURES of version 4.3
recompiled under Tiger
1)You can convert files from usual formats to JPEG with the ability to add prefix and suffix to the name, make the name uppercase, lowercase, beginning with upcase.
2) You can set resolution as You need. Every file will be set accordingly. NOTE: the image will remain the same in quality and pixels. (see "Why change resolution" below)
3) You can change in the same time creation date and time
4) You can change in the same time creator and type, both typing them and choosing an existing document and clicking the button "Like This".
5) You can rotate images.
6) You can easy drag and drop from Finder to its main window and to its icon, as usual. If you drag a folder,
7) You can Add text to the image, filename or a free text, such as copyright infos. The text is drawn in outline using two selectable colors. You can specify where add text and in which color and in what font
8) You can preview files (note: this option slows down the process: imaging is time consuming and is done after each conversion.
9) You can choose to delete the original files
10) If a file already exists, a suffix is addded, so is better to use "Create new Folder" options so files will be saved in a a folder named "Converted".
11) You can choose to allow to degradate Jeg resolution.
12) 14)You can specify realtive and absolute positioning of text that can be filemame or free text.
13) You can add a blank area at the bottom of image, to allow writing comments without
owerwriting the photo. If You want to write in this area, specify a negative value for
"pixel from bottom"
14) Rotation of image. (Note that rotation other than 0 slows down the conversion)
Once rotated You can decide to enlarge the image or leave the original size.
15) Support conversion from PDF's. If You have a PDF file with multiple pages, EVERY page wiull be converted in a JPEG.
16) there a small Preview windot to see a thumbnail of processed file. The same can be seen in Dock:
17) Added support from command line: now You can launch conversion from a terminal window, as Unix gurus do. So You can use scripts, pipes, and so on... (see here)
18) registration by mail
19) Export to PDF: you can choose to export EVERY file to a single PDF file.
20) "album" feature: all images You drag can be joined together in a single PDF.
All this simply draggin files or folders onto the main window.
21) Images can be imported directly from Digital Cameras.
22) Browse a folder of images, and delete immediately images.
23) See multiple images in a single file (jpeg/psd/thumbnail)
24) Added TIFF export
25) Added PNG export
26) Added "preferred size" of exported JPEGs: You can decide now decide the preferred final size of a jpeg file.
Note: the prefered final size is NOT mandatory: QT makes every attempt to reduce size, but not beyond a limit to preserve image! So a 4 Mb jpeg CANNOT be reduced to 4kb, unless you scale it!
27) added gray scale conversion
28) JPEG2000 support added
29) You can choose "watch" and destination folder
Why change resolution
Usually files in JPEG from cameras are in 72 DPI (as default) but people in graphics arts and newspapers get angry seeing sucha a poor resolution. By the way this is NOT true: as a good photographer knows, resolution is a datum regarding the input device, NOT the quality of the image. A good image usually is large (typically 3040 x 2008) and in newspapers You have only to set output settings. So to make them happy seeing our photos: this app on fly change resolution to 300 DPI or other.
Simply make a folder for it, and copy thsi app into.
Future improvement
More control over PDF format.
Version & licensing
You can download the unregistered version or REGISTER HERE
Free version will have some limitations on files it can convert in one drag.
Support and mail
Every comment is welcome. Please send a mail if its seems useful. ingconti@ingconti.com

Unix Support

You can launch conversion from a terminal window, as Unix gurus do. So You can use scripts, pipes, and so on... (see here)
Some help
Special Thanks
Deric Horn, Mark Turner and Quinn "the Eskimo", DTS folks, and Alex Bartoli for debuggin' during London Carbon Kitchen, Sept 2001
Thanks to Bill Kyle for some interesting suggestions and testing for version 2.2.
Thanks to Rita for the new look in version 2.5.
© 2001-2006 by ing.Conti ingconti@ingconti.com |